Monday, April 30, 2007
gort higher chinese common test this wednesday, thursday and friday.
then next week have geography and math CT.
but after all these, it's choir!(:
i am at zanelle's house lorh.
nothing to do derh.
no sound.
i want to watch prince turn frog derh lorh!
and she is watching it now, but then she is't watching my espisode.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
guess what am i eating?
lays! bbq flavoured!
once, a sad girl looked up at the starry night sky, and a star asked her:
"does it hurt a lot?"
fighting back her tears, the girl said yes.
"if it hurts so much, why don't you leave him?" the star inquired.
the sad girl replied as a tear slid down her cheek:
"Star, would you ever leave your sky?"
Thursday, April 26, 2007
i am so proud of this skin.
cos' it's done by ME!
took me about two days.
but i didn't make the picture...
when i have changed my skin, i think i will submit this to Blogskins.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
netball ends today):
netball rocks my ankle socks! it's just so cool.
and we are the first runner-up.
champions are jacqueline's team.
anyway, what matters most is to have fun, right?
during the last two periods(science), there was a relief teacher so the CliQUE and soem boys formed a groupbehind and we played
boys: weijian, lihao, gabriel, clement, leslie and larry.
and they were absurd.
when the liquid pen pointed to lynette, she chose dare.
clement and larry bombarded her with these:
"50 push-ups, 50 star-jumps!"-clement
"no lynette, 5 push-ups and 5 star-jumps enough lerh."-CliQUE
"5 push-ups very pian yi you, do the boys' one!"-larry
"nonono, do diamond!"-larry
"train chest muscles!"-clement
"then your b***s get bigger..."-nicholas(softly.)
the boys were not sporting either.
they kinda refused to do the SIMPLE dares assigned to them.
but nicholas was OK.
he immediately agreed to a path of... CATWALK!
and he added:SEXY!
he's like that.
and we went up until the back door, and struck a pose,
(which jacqueline and sherhui saw, and they broke into laughter)
and then back again.
the walking part was a little too extreme.
then when it was larry's turn, we wanted him to do the catwalk.
but clement, aka yeye(grandpa), blurted about taking off his pants.
ok, he has P.E. shorts underneath, but who will agree immediately to take off his pants?!
larry would.
and clement even added that we(CliQUE) kan le hen shuang.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Cynthia Kadohata's
Kira-Kira was awesome.
heartbreaking but touching.
she is a great writer(:
i am a bad painter.
we have art for homework, and mine's horrible.
dunno what Mr. Ooi is going to say about that.
perhaps... "eeccccccccchhhhhhh!"
i hope not.
she is so damned freaking crrraaazzzyyy.
the girl that was gotten rid of.
but i shall not elaborate further, although it would have been quite a story to tell.
Friday, April 20, 2007
feeling so sleepy todayo.O
that's so typical of me, right?
but yesterday i went crazy during math remedial.
i was there talking to myself...
lynette and vicki kept laughing and laughing ABOUT me.
on tuesday, we offically formed our
NEW clique.
theCliQUE's members are: lynette, vicki, esther, weili, yonghan and me.
maybe you will find someone missing.
on that exact day we formed our clique, we also, eh, gotten rid of some one?
she simply has no idea how annoying, irritating, sucking-up, vain, act cute, bitchy, FAKE is she.
all those adjectives of people above, are some of the many types of people i hate.
and she happens to be in these many catergories.
vicki and i kind of discovered her "attacking" schemes.
she will suck-up to you, act like she's your BFF, then when she regards you as useless, she will like, treat you bad and suck up to another clique member.
she makes tracy a hundered times better, and now she is way bottom at my list and tracy's up.
way to go.
re-read jacqueline wilson's
cos' i kinda forgot what is it about. :/
and it's soo nice.
now halfway through
Clean Break!
math common test around this month.
algebra's fun, but i am quite careless on it.
geography on May, and after that our choir practices will be the same time slots as the seniors!
can't wait to really get to know the seniors, because at the beginning of the year, they didn't introduce themselves(busy due to SYF) so we don't know them.
speaking of SYF, they got a gold!:D
next time when i participate, we are going to get gold with honours.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
homecoming was great!
i reached there at around 9.05 and helped with some of the signages.
nicholas, larry and the 105 chairman, kai wei, whose stall was beside us, helped to hang our signs,but one was flying around and around.
although it was not our shift, yonghan, vicki and i helped with the mobile selling.
at first there were quite a few people that were willing to buy, but then it got lesser and lesser...
until larry and clement went.
they were really good.
all those people
had to buy from them.
halfway through our ice-cream melted!
and we had to throw away some of it:(
around two, vicki and i went around to eat, but then there was nothing really much, most of it was sold out.
so we went back to the stall, and i asked lynette if she wanted to go to the Haunted House with me.
and she agreed!
man, that was the best thing i had heared from her.
yonghan was afraid to go in.
vicki just don't wanna go in.
oh lynette, i love you!
the queue was l-o-n-g.
we had to wait for almost 45 minutes.
lynette wanted some more people to come with us, so she went and brought leslie and shermin back.
when it was about to be our turn, shermin and i teased lynette:
"aiyah, lynette you walk in front with leslie(push), i go walk with shermin at the back larh."
but when we were inside, i think i was the one that was walking first and lynette was clinging onto my arm.
then halfway, shermin walked in front, and i wasn't really feeling scared anymore so when someone tried to scare us, i will say hi or is it hot in that costume?
when we went out, leslie was standing there!
it turned out that he walked quickly and exited at one part of the game.
when we went back to our stall, and i told yonghan that we went into the haunted house with leslie, she was like i am so envious of all of you.
overall, homecoming day was a blast!
some pictures:

our signboard, drawn and dotted by me!
scorpion(yonghan), falcon(vicki), barracuda(lynette), jaguar(puaysan)

lynette taking ice-cream for the customer.
back to front: lynette, vicki and yonghan(holding the juice)

lyn's ultra cool hair! dyed blue!

another ultra cool hair shot!

my hair dyed red. i love it man!
Friday, April 13, 2007
back from decorating all the posters, banners etc.
dead tired.
after home economics today, yufeng told me that
I am the I&E head.
i was like, when?!
it turned out that liren "resigned" and i am the new I&E head.
why me?! why not anybody else?!
so i have to report at 9 tomorrow, aka homecoming day.
i am not pissed about the reporting time, i don't mind reporting earlier to help 106 with our stall.
i am pissed about being the I&E head.
when we completed almost all the posters and banners, i felt so proud.
all of them were so darned nice!
thanks to those who helped out, lynette, vicki, yvette, esther, etc.
but in the end, only lynette, vicki, yvette and i were there to clean up.
WOW, thanks a lot guys.
but it was still ok.
when we ambled down to the quadrangle when the classes' booths are, we found out that some of our seniors had already put up their banners.
compared to theirs, ours was...
lynette and i felt so sad lorh.
after we had stayed back for almost four hours, and what came out was just garbage.
today, on the bus i sat beside a cute deyi guy!
he was so cute!
now i don't mind missing the previous 159, because of waiting with lynette for 72.
he was wearing long pants, so i guess he is about Secondary3-4.
last last week, i also sat with a cute anderson guy.
beanie is soo lucky!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i only got 20 for my physics test.
it's over 30...
if i had not been careless, i think i can get about 24-25.
tsk, beanie.
next week we are starting biology!
oh YES!
i love biology.
and i am gonna top the class of the biology test.
2 more days to homecoming!
so excited.
i am going to eat the tempura and drink the green tea from xinminoya!
and i am going to go into the haunted house in class.. 403 i think.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
there's no choir today. ):
seniors had to prepare for their SYF, and after that, it's their mid-year papers.
lucky secondary ones only have geography for mid-year! (:
after the geography paper, choir will resume, and our new practice slot will be on wednesday and friday, 2.30 to 5.30.
had the physics test yesterday.
and there wasn't enough time...
i left the last question blank!
lynette did that last question first and went on to the others.
and it's four marks!
lucky her.
hope i will get good results for this test.
ohmygod, homecoming is coming!
(that's-the sentence- soo weird.)
i can't wait to walk around visiting stalls with my friends, and tend 106's too.
not exactly ours, the items are sponsered by the alumni.
but anyway.
vicki and i had already plan to share a Milo Dinosuar!
if we managed to get the class tee ready by this saturday, we would be able to wear it to homecoming day!
but the class can't agree for the colour choice. ):
we are so not united.
more than half of the class wants black and silver(including me),
but lynette, esther and a few others one brown and white.
hello?! it's totally cow-ish.
imagine wearing that with the school's skirt/shorts.
black and silver, on the other hand, goes completely well with our school skirt/shorts.
and it looks so cool.
unlike brown and white, which is totally so eww!
no offence, esther and lynette, but you must see it. black and silver is a better choice.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
went to pierce my ears for the second time on Friday.
and it rocks.
my first ones closed, because of an infection. :p
aww. the new ones are pretty. XP
physics test on tuesday.
i totally have no interest in it, although i am okay at it:
once we had a pop quiz and i got 5.5/10.
you might think: WHAT??? 5.5? That's sooo "great".
is quite great, considering the fact that the highest was only 6.5.
hehe, but i am not very happy with it...
i am freaking out.
for higher chinese we have to find a ming yan ming ju and present it to the class.
i know nada ming yan ming ju.
AND the net doesn't have any with valid meaning too.
read four books in less than three days.
-ann brashares'
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.-cathy cassidy's
Dizzy.-jean ure's
Boys On the Brain.-meg cabot's
Every Boy's Got One.i looveeed
Dizzy and
Every Boy's Got One.Dizzy is kinda romantic.
Every Boy's got One seems like a fairytale.
hope that i would get jacqueline wilson's
Love Lessons tomorrow. X))
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Helloo World!
Just finished printing my Home Economics Assignment.
Five whole pages, you know...
Earlier on I was at Compass.
Buying DEAREST ZANEllE'S present.
I am sharing it with Shermin and Lynette, and last week, Shermin suggested to buy Carrot!
(Not that vegetable, you dumbo.)
Carrot is a soft toy from Action City.
It's so friggin' cuteeee!
The moment I went back home, I took these pictures:

Sorry, forgot to rotate it, but this is Carrot.(Carrot says 'Hi!')

Carrot looking so lovable!!!

Carrot is kinda shy now, but still, he/she looks as cute as ever!
Price Tag, people. $6.95, for those who are kind of price-dumb, like me.
And Carrot is called Morji?!
Ok, for now...
I can't believe I flunked my Maths Test.
I feel that I am going more stupid as the days goes by.
Anyways, I didn't study for that test.
Now, don't you start pointing your finger at me and saying that this is my fault, etc etc.
Cos' I couldn't help it, there were tons of projects(eg. art task book, home econs etc), and this is not entirely my fault, mind you.
19/40, just one more mark.
Couldn't get my parents to sign it.
Too "paiseh".