finally finally here to update my blog. :D
yesterday, yonghan, lynette and me went to, er, hang around!
we met at hougang point and loitered there for a very long time before we decided to go to Cineleisure.
we walked very very slowly there. then, when we finally reached the Coca-Cola Hall, there were loads of people queueing up for tickets/food, so we were at the back of the line, looking at the screen which showed the screening times.
2.35pm, Blades of Glory was filling fast. we hoped that it will still have seats for us, as the next screening time was at 4.30pm. but, before the queue even moved forward, the tickets were sold out. arggghh.
we went to take neos, and they were pretty cool. :D lynette covered yonghan's face at one of the neos, so when decorating it, yonghan painted that part black. lol!
the trio had lunch at burger king. the food was fine, but i still prefer mcdonalds.
we then took the train to plaza singapura. actually, we went to the building opposite Plaza Singapura first, and I have no idea what it's called.
Yonghan took us to this shop called Cool Zone. Which is, yeah, really cool! it sells all kinds of taiwanese and korean celebrity stuff, like keychains, photos, stickers,posters, books and even personalised mirrors.
some pictures we took:

lynette, the retard.

another shot of the royale retard.

lynette! taken by yonghan! good one.

spastic lynette. she ate that much food, ok?

Wuzun! made by yonghan's unfinished packet of fries.
another one, which i think is nicer. (:
the three of us in the train station...


Jay Chou at Cool Zone!!!
new addition to thefAMilY!
that is.. darling
esther, our chinchilla!
lols, actually she wanted to be a tree.
thefAMilY list (oldest to youngest) :
yehyehh- clement(:
armarh- lumyi/chelly(:
marmiie- lynette(:
boiiboii- leslie(:
jiiejiie- jean/beanie<3
gerger- yonghan/han-nie(:
meimeii- vicki/wicked wicki(:
just in case you hadn't notice, we are looking for a papah! avialiable to everyone in 106(:lols.
yay, no more chinese exams.
today's the third and final day of chinese test misery.
i am feeling neutral about chinese.
vicki was worrying that she will li ti for compo.
then she was there calculating her estimated chinese marks.
you won't get, like, zero, nada for compo right?
cheer up, wicked wicki. x))
we have geography and maths next monday.
then yipeee.
no more CTs!
but i think we are switching geography for history.
NOOOOOOO!i want geography!
mr wong rocks like... like... chocolate!(:
he is sooo cool:D
speaking of choclates, we did muffins for home econs!
and i added hershey's cookies and cream to it.
bet it will be delicious.
i haven't ate them yet(:
oh, and by the way.
Mr Wong returned us our geography test yesterday.
and he said we have someone who got FULL marks in the whole level!
and SHE's from 106!
and SHE's from theCliQUE!
not me, you idiot.
yayness, congrats.
she nearly
nearly cried, you know.
but then, it's not fair:(
she did last minute preparations with theCliQUE before geography,
and she got full marks!
but i did quite good:)
i got 26/30!
geography rocks.
lynette got 23,
wicki got 21,
esther got 22.