Friday, August 31, 2007
yesterday, after school, zanelle, shermin, arleen, valerie and i, together with shermin's cousin, matthew went to watch Dead Silence in AMK hub.
zanelle and arleen wanted to go back to arleen's house to put their books there and wait for valerie, so the three of us went to AMK hub first.
matthew met his cousin at the entrance, so shermin and i went to find out the timing first, we decided that we were going to catch the 2.40 pm one.
then, sherm and i went to have our lunch at McDonalds, because we were famished. we sat beside a seriously weird auntie, who kept staring at us, and drank like three cups of water and a cup of coffee.
later, we met zanelle, arleen and valerie at the ticketing counter, and we hurriedly bought tickets for six at the counter.
we walked around after that, and went into the hall, where the theatres were.
valerie had this plan that shermin, arleen, she and me are going to take the four seats at the corner, then zanelle and matthew have to sit at another row, together.
did i mention that matthew has a crush on zanelle?
i guess not.
so we ran to theatre four, which was like, waayyy at the end, and zanelle was shouting at us.
but in the end, matthew sat with shermin, and i sat with zanelle at the corner.
then the movie started.
dead silence is very very very freaky.
the scenes of the dead people are so damned gruesome, cos it showed them with no tongues, and blood on their faces.
but i think the plot is great.
it's about this guy, who recieves a doll and later, his wife was found dead-without a tongue.
i can be bothered to explain more.
go check Yahoo! or watch the movie yourself.
after that, shermin claimed that she was covering her eyes from the part when the guy recieved the doll, and matthew kept laughing throughout the whole movie.
&& matthew gave zanelle his jacket halfway through the movie!
it's like so darned mushy, cos they were texting each other, and matthew was like "do you want my jacket?"
but before zanelle could reply, matthew passed the jacket arllen, then to valerie, then to me, then finally, zanelle.
so sweet right? lawl!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
yes, i know they are cute and adorable and everything, but nicky, lynette and i were so darned stupid.
we took four packets of water babies, and we divided them into three, and took a portion each.
then just now, which was less than two hours after my last post, the water babies had like, MULITPLIED or GROWN RAPIDLY or something, and i had to transfer nicky's and mine to another large container.
i imagine lynette's babies, now full to the top of her bottle, and she has to transfer them to another, five containers?
cos she had more than nicky and me.
i am in trouble.
today, after school, lynette, nicky and i went to hougang mall.
we went there to buy water babies and have our lunch.
we were crazy about water babies as this morning, yonghan was like, being Santa, and giving her babies to some of us.
i had a blue one and three pink one, and i named the blue one ____ Junior.
and during the whole time after recess, i am like, "Where is my ____?" (cos vicki and mine water babies are place together)
i reckon i am going crazy.
so back to it.
then we took the 147 bus, and we found two medical reports containing x-rays(we didn't see
see we just glanced at the contents).
and we took then down to Hougnag Mall with us.
we bought the water babies, and at McDonalds, there was this little boy with his mum, and they were watching us putting the water babies in our bottles.
and we gave the boy some!
lynette exclaimed : We did quite a number of good things today!
nicky and i was like, "Really?"
she nodded, and then she held up the medical reports.
"we are going to the Police Centre to return these."
and we did.
we took 72 back to the police post, and when we were walking there, i was like, "OMG! My first time in a police centre!"
lynette excliamed me too, but nicky said he went in there before.
we were like staring at him.
"but i didn't do anything wrong! i forgot what i was there for," he explained.
we just sat around in the police post, and i daresay, the police post's quite nice.
later the policeman asked us to give him our ez-link cards, and he took Nicky's.
and he said we could go home, after he returned Nicky's card!
it was only a short process.
and i brought nicky's water babies, which are in a McDonald's cup(mine! cos it's my coke).
i am going to take the cup to school tomorrow, looking totally weird.
Monday, August 27, 2007
i went to a concert with Vicki, Nicky and some other choir people yesterday.
it was our instructor, Mr Yeong's choir's concert.
he's in the Victoria Chorale.
anyway, i met up with Vicki and Nicky at AMK hub first.
Nicky arrived later, when we were at Fish & Co.
the fish and chips was great, but the serving was quite large, and nicky ate the rest of our dinner!
he always do that.
later, we took the train to the esplande, and then we sat in one of the theatres.
nicky was sitting in front of vicki and me.
and there was this senior, Teng Yong(spelling?), telling us about ____.
TY said ____ is a bastard!
how can that be?
i didn't believe larh, but vicki and nicky kept laughing at my ill-fate.
i must find out.
after the interval, vicki and i, and two other seniors, cheryl and casmin, were gossiping about another pair of seniors, V and R.
they were like, flirting during the concert.
all those hand, leg and foot movements were spotted by us luh!
we told nicky and TY, which were sitting beside them.
the bunch of us kept laughing, and later, somebody calle dout "SILENCE!"
it was Samuel.
after the concert, we were all darned tired, and nicky, instead of taking the train to Hougang, took it to Sengkang!
he claimed that Sengkang has three buses and Hougang has only one he could take home.
it's not like that bus is not ever going to come right...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
another one, ;D
Your ten favourites;
favourite colors: black, orange, silver.
favourite food: junk food.
favourite song: loads!
favourite singer: Jay Chou, Avril Lavigne, Fahrenheit, Boys Like Girls.
favourite movie: The Secret.
favourite hobby: obsessing over ____.
favourite sport: basketball, badminton, netball.
favourite season: autumn.
favourite day of the week: Fridays. No school the next day!
favourite icecream flavour: cookies and cream.
Nine currents;
current mood: Angelic.
current clothes: Fila tee and demin shorts.
current book: Picture Perfect-Jodi Picoult.
current soft toy: TIGGER!
current desktop: The Secret.
current toenail colour: Topcoat.
current time: 4:36 pm
current annoyance: the occasional headache.
current thoughts: finishing this quiz!
Eight firsts;
first best friend: Shaian(:
first crush: Confidental
first movie: I do I do
first piercing: last year.
first pet: the fishy.
first lie: Can't remember.
first music: eh, i have no idea.
first car: three years old. it was a red sports car. only it was 15 cm long.
Seven lasts;
cigarette: I don't smoke(:
drink: Green Tea.
car ride: From Mall to Home.
crush: ____. but i think i am more obsessed with him.
movie seen: The Secret.
song heard: Everything Back but You- Avril Lavigne
CD played: Jay Chou's November's Chopin.
Six have you evers;
have you ever date one of your bestfriends: not really.
have you ever broken the laws: .. Pirated CDs.
have you ever been arrested: I only bent the rules.
have you ever been skinny dipped: Never.
have you ever been on tv: Yep, that time when the crew came to film about our school(:
have you ever kiss someone you don't know: Never.
Five things you are wearing;
1.] Shirt.
2.] Shorts.
3.] Specs.
4.] Earrings.
5.] Hairband.
Four things you have done today;
1.] Played computer games.
2.] Eat!
3.] Converse with Zanelle on the phone.
4.] Done this quest.
Three things you can hear right now;
1.] The TV.
2.] Typing of the keyboard.
3.] Cars moving around.
Two things you can't live without;
1.] ____.
Things you do when you are bored:
- SMS lynette.
- Watch TV.
- Play the computer.
- Read a random book.
- Listen to music
And now, for the five people you tag:
1.] Zanelle xD
2.] Lynette
3.] Nicholas
4.] Shermin
5.] Shaian
Saturday, August 18, 2007
i am just feeling bored, so i went to look at my old blog's posts, and feel like doing this quiz all over again...
Name 20 people and answer the questions below.
After which, tag10 ppl to do this quiz.
1) Vicki
2) Zanelle
3) Lynette
4) Yonghan
5) Esther
6) Nicholas
7) Chelly
8) Clement
9) JOEL!
10) Larry
11) Shermin
12) Daren
13) Shaian
14) Sher Hui
15) Jacqueline
16) Rachel
17) Hao Zhe
18) Mingting
19) Gwen
20) Leslie
1.h0w did y0u meet n0.14? [Sher Hui] erm, we were just friends this year, she is a register in front of me, so i always talk to her, yeah.
2.what w0uld y0u d0 if y0u had never met n0.1? [Vicki] then i will be a sad case, right.
3.what w0uld y0u d0 if 20 and 9 dated y0u? [Leslie & Joel] i will never date Leslie, cos he is Lynette's, whether he likes it or not. i will
DIE if Joel's dating me. i will be OMG-ing everywhere i go. i will die, and the reason is of
4.w0uld 6 & 17 make a q0od c0uple? [Nicholas & Hao Zhe] most likely. as far as i know, hao zhe has a crush on nicky, and they like to act gay. WELL...
5.describe n0.3. [Lynette] she's best friend, a martian and a retard. she makes me angry sometimes. but she rocks!
6.d0 y0u think n0.8 is attractiive? [Clement] HELLO?!
7.tell me s0methinqq ab0ut n0.9. [Joel] you know it. he is totally AHHH! i am obsessed with him. o.O
8.d0 y0u kn0w anythinqq ab0ut n0.12's family? [Daren] i believe he lives on Mars, and as far as my alien brain knows, he has a martian girlfriend. all right, just kidding!
9.what is n0.10's fav0urite? [Larry]
BANANAS! you-hoo!
10.what w0uld y0u d0 if 11 c0nfesses t0 y0u that he/she likes y0u? [Shermin] i will hug her, and tell her i love her too. but as you know, i am
obsessed with
someone else!
11.what lanquaqe d0es 15 speaks? [Jacqueline] english and chinese. and a lil' bit of hokkien too. but it's not a language right?
12.wh0 is 18 q0inq 0ut wif? [Mingting] i think she's available. i don't go up to seniors, and ask them :
ARE YOU TAKEN?13.what is y0ur relati0nship with n0.16 and h0w 0ld is he/she n0w? [Rachel] oh, she's my old friend(: , and she's as young as me.
14.when was the last time u talked t0 13? [Shaian] i think it's ages ago!
15 .wh0's 2's fav0urite sinqer? [Zanelle] she likes nice songs, not singers.
16.Would you date number 4? [Yonghan] this question was at the previous quiz, and the person was also
yonghan! my answer is, she is already happily taken(:
17.w0uld y0u date 14? [Sher Hui]
19. what's 10's last name? [Larry] tricky one. let's see... i think it's monkey. full name: larry B.Y. monkey. he's our family's pet(:
20.w0uld y0u ever c0nsider beinq in a relati0nship with 9? [Joel]
YES! yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
21.what sch0ol d0es 3 q0es t0? [Lynette] the Royal Alien School. duh, of course it's XINMIN!
22.where d0es 4 lives? [Yonghan] Sengkang(:
23.what's y0ur fav0urite thinq ab0ut n0.6? [Nicholas] he's very very humourous. so lucky he's my kor, yeah RIGHT.
24.what d0 y0u think 0f n0.13? [Shaian] she's a genius(:
25.what d0 no.3 and no.20 have in c0mm0n? [Lynette & Leslie] they are my parents? they are both sporty? they like each other?
26.what special qualities d0es no.17 h0ld in y0ur life? [Hao Zhe] i have no idea, seriously.
People taqqed:
1. Lynette
2. Zanelle
3. Nicholas
4. Chelly
5. Clement
6. Shaian
7. Rachel
8. Haozhe
9. Esther the Senior?
10. Angie the Senior?
loves, people. hope you enjoyed the quiz. and those i tagged to do, you better do it!
&& please don't tag me again. however, if you want me to do the previous quiz again, i will be very glad!
1.(the person who tagged you is)- Caroline.
2.(your relationship with him/her is)- Friends
3.(5 impressions you have of him/her)- She sings in the choir, read books, is in the same class as me, has a blog, and is a fan of HP?
4.(the most memorable thing he/she has done for you)- i have no idea.
5.(the most memorable words he/she has said to you)- Nothing, actually. The most memorable thing she has done is to screech in class, yeah. LOL, no offence.
6.(if he/she becomes your lover, you will)- Make clear to her that I only like boys. Yeah.
7.(if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)- She wil never become my lover!
8.(if he/she becomes your enemy, you will)- Apologise, try to make up.
9.(if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be)- how would i know?
10.(the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is)- ask her to stop screeching. really. but, no offence.
11.(your overall impression of him/her is)- She's quite nice(:
12.(how you think people around you will feel about you)- I am very hyper. And i am totally obsessed with...... Yeah.
13.(the characteristic you love about yourself is)-I am very very crazy and active. Oh, and I make you laugh too. *winks*
14.(on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is) - I have a temper, and attitude problem. and sometimes, i am, weird.
15.(the most ideal person you want to be is)- I would like to be myself, thanks.
16.(for people that care and like you, say something to them)-I LOVE YOU! MUACKIES!
17.(pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)-
1) Lynette
2) Zanelle
3) Nicholas, aka DINO.
4) Esther the Senior
5) Cheryl the Senior
6) Angie the Senior
7) Yonghan
8) Chelly
9) Shaian
10) Shermin
(who is no.6 having relationship with?)- she is single, yeah :D
(Is no.9 a male or female?)- Female, with a DUH!
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?)- Together? I don't know. But they know each other. Maybe they will love each other to bits, LOL!
(What is no.2 studying about?)-Everything. Like me.
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?)- Yesterday. I said: "Bye, Sexy Gay." Really.
(What kind of music band does no.8 like?)- Fahrenheit, if i am not wrong...
(Does no.1 has any siblings?)- older sister (Chelsea), younger sister (Germaine), and youngest sister(Joanne).
(Will you woo no.3?)- Maybe, if it he is not that gay. No offence! (But i am already obsessed with somebody else, o.O)
(How about no.7?)- She is taken! Sad case.
(Is no.4 single?)-Err.... i think so..
(What's the surname of no.5?)- To be honest, I am no idea!
(What's the name of no.10?)- Shermin.
(What's the hobby of no.4?)- Erm, i don't know.
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?)- They don't know each other.
(Where is no.2 studying at?)- Xinmin Secondary, class 103 of year 2007.
(Say something casual about no.1)- 'Long live the Queen!"
(Have you try developing feelings for no.8?)- errr....what?
(Where does no.9 live?)- Sengkang.
(What color does no.4 like?)- Don't know...
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?)-No... Friends maybe.
(Does no.7 likes no.2?)- I think they get along OK.
(How did you get to know no.2?)- In primary school,2006! We sat next to each other and I simply drove her crazy!
(Does no.1 have any pets?)- Nope.
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?)- Sorry, but no. No offence, yonggie!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
and ya, yesterday, the class went to some sort of field trip to sungei buloh.
i loved the rides on the luxurious buses only. the time spent in sungei buloh was like boring, but not so when i spotted crocs.
or at least, i think i did.
on the bus to sungei buloh, we were taking out our handphones and listening to music.
lynette, vicki, nicky and i took the back row(:
leslie and larry were like sitting on the seats in front of the seats before us, so we were like teasing them, lol.
we were all freaked out my the location of sungei buloh, which is ulu, ulu, and ulu.
when we reached there, we ad to seperate into two different groups, and nicky just didn't want to come with us.
cos he wanted to walk hand-in-hand with his beloved.
tsk tsk tsk.
it was just seeing crabs and mudskippers and fishes the whole trail through.
after that, we proceeded to the theatrette to watch this video.
and there was this monkey who posed in front of the camera, LOL!
it showed his butt to us and like looked in the camera's direction.
effing funny.
surprising, it looked like one of larry's family members. LOL!
and when we sat down, vertically inclined #1 asked Lynette: Are you sure you can see?
like, urgghh!
lyn was so humilated, for being vertically challenged.
never mind lyn.
Martians are supposed to be weird and freaky!
during the bus ride back to school, the back row was like super hyper.
vicki, nicky and i sang songs totally in tune-NOT!
we were like shouting and the whole song was eww.
and after that nicky took an exclusive dance video!
it was like so sexy.
eh, like real.
it was simply GAY, in a word.
he is weird, yeah.
plus, i am going to upload the video on youtube, afer i take it from lynette!
and i am going to put it here, yeah.
vicki working hard in class...
the class in the bus(:
i had no idea what nicky's trying to take.
ooh, i can see... MARS! lol, that's malaysia.
our group of the class(:
can you spot the mudskipper?
another one, kinda blur.

a monitor lizard...

another one. it looks small, but actually, it is huge.

lynette and yonghan...

nicky acting like a total gay. yikes!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
got this quiz from shaian!
3 things in your wallet/purse: money, neos, cards.
Name 3 things you do when you're really stressed: music:D , blog, go hyper.
Name 3 favorite fruits: apple, mango, grapes.
Three names you go by: jean, beanie:D, beanns.
Three things you are wearing right now: tee, skirt, earrings.
Who is in the house with you? Sis.
Who was the last person to IM you? zanelle!
Who are you thinking about right now? jay chou.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? zanelle!
Whose birthday is next? MINE!:D
Who were you with last night? my harry potter book.
Where is your phone? right beside me.
Where do you sleep?on my bed-.-
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Esprit :D
Where is the last place you took a ride to? home
What kind of cell phone do you have? Brick. i wanna slide one!
What are you excited about? watching secret another time! lol.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? this mat thingy.
Whats your favorite shoe brand? anything as long as the design is nice(:
What song do you currently hear? keep holding on by avril.
When did you meet your best friend? erm. almost everyday.
When did you last go to the mall? yesterday, for dinner:D
When did you last burn a candle? not something worth remembering.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
today is National Day Eve!
we had celebrations in school(:
we did the morning assembly first, then proceeded to the hall at about 9.15.
the foreign guests put up performances too!
everybody was like so high luh.
we screamed and cheered and applaused.
everybody sung the songs larh!
then later, zanelle, rachel, shermin, me and tons of other people went back to nan chiau:D
we waited very long for zanelle, so ahem, heh.
we hanged around, and then we visited teachers.
after that we went up to the gallery to watch the national day celebrations.
zanelle and i watched a little bit and then we went out of the school.
she said she wanted to meet yiren and wilson at the cc.
then when we went out, we saw them.
they were going over to play basketball.
if zanelle brought her darned racquet, we could play badminton!
she wasted some more time by sitting down and watching them play basketball lah.
and they also ignored us lorh.
screw them.
actually we watching movie at Orchard, but then we watched the 4.30 show at plaza singapura.
guess what we watched?
the show was very very nice.
4.5 stars!
and i like the songs they play on the piano.
sudden urge to take up piano lessons, lol.
me and zanelle were like xiao, our fingers were moving in the air(faking playing the piano) when we went out of the theatre.
in the train back home, i told her loads of funny things, and she kept laughing and loads of people looked at her.
anyway, loads of people like to look at students in trains, as if we are up to no good.
i think they recognise me because i am a renowned psychologist.
ya, right, dude.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
yayness. i got 24/30 for the "How I Made a Difference" composition.
i won Alienated!
What a miracle!
Hahas. Didn't expect to get 24. o.O
we had history test on Friday.
it was pretty easy, but i knew i had gotten a question wrong.
the one about the 3'c's.
3'C's = credibility, concussion and chey!
ok sorry, they are credibility, consistency and something else.
going back to primary school with Zanniies and Shemmie on 8 August!