pics to go along with the last day of school!

class photo one. we are at the center. vicki and my arms are stretched out.
oops. i see my too-short skirt. it fails the school's standard. but it's cool. :D
vicki's still pulling her shirt. tsk tsk.
yonghan and lynette are kissing us! haha.
another one, this time, lynette tried to kiss yonghan. hehehs.
106 rocks!
the last day of school doesn't feel like the last day at all.
i guess it's cos we still have to come back for choir practice, every
anyway, i am not going to start complaining how my life's so boring, predictable, etc etc.
we had mini farewell party on friday!
the surprise which Ms Lim and Mrs Ho had planned.
lynette and i kind of knew.
we took a few class photos, and after that, esther went snapping pics of people individually, or with their cliques.
we had ice-cream! yay!
earlier, ms lim said that mrs ho and she will not be teaching us next year.
lyn, vicki, yh and i were like "yes-ing".
but, ms lim had to make a touching speech about us, and we were so touched, that we couldn't help but feel a little sad.
oh man.
&& everybody except weijian wore the class tee.
tell you something.
i don't really love the design of the tee.
first of all, it's lime green, and it practically screams "SAVE EARTH!".
next, there are no pictures.
next, the words fade easily. it faded before i washed it. wow.
finally, the tee cost $16.50. there were no pics, and mostly words and mostly black.
vicki said that she doesn't think that the tee would "nai" until next year.
anyway, can you believe that we have holiday homework?!
the holidays doesn't feel like the holidays.
off to watch Tokyo Juliet.
I got back ALL of my results on friday.
i guess they were pretty ok.
here are all of the results:
English: A2 (yayness!)
Maths: B3
Higher Chinese: B3 (yayness!)
Science: B3
Literature: C6 (don't blame me. i don't like lit.)
History: A2
D&T: A2
Art: B4
i am glad to announcethat i won vicki for english and chinese!
first time in this year, ha.
but i don't have A1s, so sad right.
vicki got like 92.5/100 for history. like, wow?!
i still remember, when i took my biology booklet B, i was like yoo-hoo!
17/20! haha.
jiayous to myself for next year, and get into a triple science class!
i am back from hiatus. :D
although i never declared it, but still.
anyways, i am so damned glad that the EOYS are over.
it brought me nothing but stress.
school starts tomorrow.
i am kind of GLAD to go back to school.
can you believe it?!
i am totally bored at home.
this three days were computer, TV, eat and sleep.
but i don't wanna get back my results! D:
bet they sucks.
for D&T, i can kind of imagine the results.
and they are not good.
i can't wait for class chalet!
thanks vic for arranging everything.
sorry for not helping even though i am in your committee.
you never told me if you need my help.
be sure to tell me if you realy need it!
i am going to watch KO One.